I moved from Medium to my own website iangreer.io
I recently had the biggest “ah-ha” moment of my life while listening to a podcast. This was the simple but meaningful quote:
“The meaning of life is solving your problems.”
I started thinking about what that meant and I came up with the following.
There are 4 main problems to solve:
- Health
- Knowledge
- Relationships
- Wealth
The 4 solutions:
- Develop good health habits. Drink enough water, eat healthy, sleep 8–9 hours, lift heavy weights 4x a week, do cardio every week.
- Read 52+ books every year. Learn to write well. Learn to speak well. Focus on non-fiction regarding health, relationships, and wealth. Read all of the humanities and the sciences.
- Make friends, date people, fix your family culture. Join a running club, sports team, or book club to make new friends. Date people in your social circle. Remove toxic people.
- Develop a high-income skill and invest. Wealth should come easily when you have adequate health, knowledge, and relationships.
These 4 solutions need to be done sequentially to prevent issues down the road.
Health + knowledge + good relationships = happiness.
Achieve happiness before wealth.
Books to read:
- Andrew Huberman YouTube channel
- Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
- Scientific Principles of Strength Training by Mike Israetel
- The Almanack of Naval Ravikant (My favorite book)
- The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
- Invest Answers YouTube channel
- Principles by Ray Dalio (a book on relationships disguised as a business book)
- (For Men) What Women Want by Geoffrey Miller